Next socialize your blog. Inbound links are valuable so garner them. Cross link your website and blog. Notify other bloggers about your blog via comments and email. Join the conversation by writing posts that reference other blogs. Become a link hub, an authority site, by making your blog a real resource. You can also ramp up your traffic. Submit your feeds, either by hand or using tools like RSS submit. Make sure pinking is turned on. Claim your feed at Technorati and subscribe to your own feeds. Use My Yahoo and My MSN accounts to submit to these search engines. Track which engines you are listed in.
Make subscription easy. Use chiclets (or chicklets) such as images so people can subscribe to your blog. Also include bookmarking sites such as
Optimize your RSS feed
Sessions stops for a second, there is a whiny high pitched sound in the background, someone lets them know up front. Been several interruptions this session. Moving on....
Stephan Spencer is up next and he starts by going into the various types of blog search. His suggestions is that your don’t need to optimize for each engine. He says that full text is important, and not summaries. By default try to keep 20 or more items (not just 10) posts per feed. Make your brand name is in the item title. Be sure to have a compelling description.
Optimizing your blog, his take. Be sure to redo your internal hierarchical linking structure. Tag clouds and tag pages (ultimatetagwarrior plug-in) can be useful. Related posts as also good. List top 10 pots and the next and previous listing. He goes on to talk about tag clouds and so on. You can take many different approaches to listing your tag cloud in different locations. Sometimes these tag clouds can be beneficial on all pages, or just keeping it on the homepage.
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