The keywords are in the main role in SEO. As said the keywords are the words with which the searchers will search information. With a efective software you can find out the ones, which are realted to your work at home internet business and have a moderate amount of competition.
Then you just use those keywords in the title, teaser, body and in the Author Box of your article. Especially the main keyword in the Author Box is important, because it will tell to the search engine, that your article is about that topic.
When you will distribute your work at home internet business article with an effective service, the search engine will see a lot of links, which are done with that particular keyword and determines that it must increase the ranking of your site on the search result page of that keyword.
Okay, but how it happens in praxis? When you have selected the keyword, which is rather a so called long tail keyword, start to write an article, a blog post or the new page for your site. Your target should be a keyword density of around 2 procent, i.e. 2 procent of all words on your writing should be keywords. Dont put too many, because the search engine will see it and punish you.
By the keywords you have told to the search engine the topic of your writing. It has a link back to your site, so the reader can click that link and read more about the topic there. This brings traffic. But why a certain page is on the first place on the search engine result page?
This means that if the target of your site is to climb high, you must build up an army of backlinks. How can you do this? For instance by writing related work at home internet business articles and by distributing them to thousands of sites and directories.
You see, there is a heavy competition to reach the first place and if you want to conquere that place, you just have to be better than the present number one. On the top of backlinks, you must concentrate into the content of the site and encourage people to bookmark your site. The more bookmarkings you have, the more links you will have. And of course the targeted traffic.
It is important to note, that the onpage optimization, the use of keywords, is the minor part of the SEO and the most important thing is the offpage optimization, i.e. the number and quality of related backlinks. From the home business point of view, we can say that the backlinks are business relations between you and the linking webmasters. Like in the traditional business, the number and the quality of tese connection will determine the success of your home business.
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